Experiencing God’s message in a new way!
These Online Small Group Studies are designed to give you the incredible, life transforming experience of a small group from the convenience of your own device. Real Life online is in no way intended to replace traditional Small Groups, but instead, is meant to allow groups to form through the power of the internet. It is a great way to connect over the summer.
The content and tools of these studies are the same as those in our traditional studies, with the added flexibility of being in an online environment.
NOT A FAN - Kyle Idleman
Real Life Online is a virtual small group study that is designed to go at your own pace. You will be emailed a video lesson each Monday. You watch the video and respond to statements that follow the video.
ETERNITY - Francis Chan
If you are interested in a slightly more social experience join our Interactive Real Life Group. Just like the other study you will receive an email each Monday. Again you watch the video at a time that best suits you then you are invited to join the live Facebook discussion Wednesdays at 7:00PM.
SHAKEN - Tim Tebow
I have been very fortunate to experience great wins in life, but I’ve had my share of losses too.
What I have learned is that you can’t predict what may come your way. So to protect your identity and stay grounded, you need a solid foundation. I have found that steady place in a person--Jesus Christ. He has never let me down.
IF - Mark Batterson
The word If is a powerful little word. Some people are stuck in if only, trudging through lives marked with regret. But God wants us to live lives marked with possibilities, with the what if attitude that looks forward to the future with confidence. Why? Because the answer to "If God is for us, who can be against us?" is "No one." God is always on our side, every day, in every way.